Smoking chicken is an impeccable way to impart a delicious smoky flavor to the chicken. However, to get the best results from the entire smoking experience, you must settle for the best woods for smoking chicken.
The best woods for smoking chicken include hickory, apple, pecan, oak, peach, and cherry. These woods are ideal for smoking because they add an incredible flavor and color without overpowering the natural taste of the chicken. Most people in Europe prefer oak-smoked chicken.
If you want to enhance the chicken’s delicate and mild flavor to make the most delicious meal on earth, you are in the right place. Read on to understand more about some of the best woods you can use to smoke your chicken.
Best Woods For Smoking Chicken
Here are some of the best woods that can see you impart the delicious smoky flavor into the chicken without overpowering its intrinsic flavor.
Hickory is one of the most popular woods for smoking chicken. Notably, hickory is not only ideal for smoking chicken but any meat. It has a robust natural flavor that is similar to bacon. Smoking your chicken with the hickory will give you an excellent result as it easily complements most chicken sauces.
Additionally, hickory has a mild flavor. Therefore, unlike most of the woods used for smoking, it is less likely to overwhelm the intrinsic taste of the chicken.
Generally, apples and fruitwoods are very popular for smoking chicken. The mild, sweet, and fruity flavors elevate the chicken’s natural taste to make it one of the most popular meats on earth. Since the apple wood features a mild flavor, it is a perfect option for beginners.
Maple Wood
Maple is a hardwood that is also popular for smoking various types of wood. It is the best option for delicate foods such as cheese and vegetables. However, it is also a perfect option for smoking a chicken as it imparts not only the smoky flavor but also the sweet aroma that easily converts the chicken into a delicious feast.
The peach is another wood you can use to smoke your chicken and achieve the desired results. It is one of those woods that leave your chicken lightly fruity and sweet with an excellent color that can easily provoke one’s taste buds.
Tips For Smoking A Delicious Chicken
To smoke a delicious chicken, you must remember several essential tips. They include;
- Always brine your chicken for several hours or overnight before smoking. This is essential as it will keep the chicken moist and heighten its flavor.
- If you love crispy skin, the best way to achieve this is to ensure that you pat your chicken dry before putting it on the Smoker.
- To add more flavor to the bird, you should use your favorite dry rub to intensify the flavor.
- Get some seasoning on the inside of the bird for even distribution of the flavor.
- Smoke your chicken low and slow for the best results. Ideally, you should smoke it at 225 degrees Fahrenheit until the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Equip yourself with a functional digital thermometer. The thermometer will ensure that you do not undercook or overcook your meat.
The Best Wood For Smoking Turkey
When smoking a turkey, you should remember that different woods produce different flavors. Therefore, picking suitable wood will significantly influence whether or not the entire smoking experience will be a success. Here are some of the most common choices;
The Pecan
The pecan wood is an excellent option as it provides a perfect combination of sweetness, sharpness, and smokiness to the turkey. It has a subtle nuttiness that is delicious. Avoid combining the wood with strong-flavored woods, as that can quickly introduce unpleasant bitterness to the meat.
Cherry Wood
For many people, cherry wood is the best option for smoking turkey and chicken. The wood’s deep, rich smoky flavor complements a turkey’s bland and lean nature. If you do not want to incorporate other flavoring components into your cooking process, the cherry wood is enough to make the difference. Besides complementing the bland and lean nature of the turkey, the wood also gives the turkey a deep red color that appeals to the eye.
Alder Wood
If you want a non-traditional choice for smoking turkey for a delicious meal, Alder wood will be an ideal option. Although alder wood is commonly used for smoking seafood, it has proved to be one of the best woods for smoking a delicious turkey. It is a perfect choice, especially when you want to incline more toward your favorite rub and marinade than the smoky flavor.
Hickory Woods
Hickory wood is one of the most versatile woods for smoking meat. It provides a perfect opportunity to get your turkey delicious and smelling nice. Hickory has complex flavors and aromas that make the turkey taste great.
To avoid overwhelming your turkey, you should figure out the right amount of wood you will require to complete the smoking process successfully. It is the best way to ensure a balanced deep, and delicious flavor that perfectly plays well with the intrinsic flavor of the turkey.
The Maple
If you think the maple is too strong to smoke a delicious turkey, you should know that you could be wrong. The maple hardwood finds its way to this list as it adds a delicate layer of smoky flavor to the turkey to make it even more mouthwatering. It makes a great choice because it adds an extra layer of smoky flavor without interfering with the natural flavor of the turkey meat. If you find the pecan or cherry too sweet, you can replace them with maple wood.
Top Tips For Smoking A Delicious Turkey
A turkey is one of the easiest meats to smoke. Whether a beginner or an experienced griller, you should always be able to convert your turkey into a mouthwatering dish. Here are some of the top tips that you should embrace.
- Spatchcock your turkey – since a turkey is a big bird, spatchcocking it before putting it on the smoke comes with numerous benefits, including ensuring that the breast won’t dry out.
- Use a digital meat thermometer – A digital meat thermometer is one of the critical tools you need to smoke a delicious turkey. One of the vital functions of the digital thermometer is to help you keep a constant temperature and also ensure that you do not overcook or undercook the meat.
- Use a Drip Pan – When smoking a turkey, you want to impart a delicious smoky flavor to the meat. Besides picking the right wood, you may need to incorporate a drip pan. The drip pan returns the dripping fat to the turkey to make it more delicious.
- Keep your Smoker Closed – Smoking a big bird like a turkey can sometimes be challenging. Closing the lid will ensure that the turkey cooks evenly and fasten the cooking process.
- Skip the Stuffing –stuffing the turkey is not a good idea because it may insulate the bird’s center from getting enough heat for even cooking.
A well-smoked chicken is one of the most delicious meals to get. Fortunately, smoking a chicken to perfection is a simple task. You must pick suitable wood and ensure you marinade your chicken well before smoking it at the right temperature. The best woods are hickory, apple, pecan, oak, peach, and cherry.
When smoking a turkey, use hickory, apple, maple, and alder wood for the best results. Additionally, skip the Stuffing, close your Smoker during the grilling process, and use a drip pan to heighten the flavor of the turkey.

Scot has loved smoking food in his free time for the last few years. Each major holiday or off-weekend, Scot spends days testing and prepping new recipes for perfection.